Join the Alinio Team!

If you have envisioned yourself as a vital member of a health and wellness team serving a wide range of patients, then we would love to meet you.

Alinio is a chiropractic-led clinic that serves the corporate and residential downtown core. We currently offer chiropractic and massage, and we are looking to expand our services for the greater benefit of our patients.

If the following appeals to you, please send us a resume and letter of interest:

· Patient-focused care - we work with everything from acute injury, chronic illness, prevention and wellness.

· Team approach - we encourage our patients to work with whichever practitioners best suit their needs. Inter-clinic referrals and inter-practitioner communication are key tenets of our practice.

· Full administrative and reception support with a fabulous, creative team of front desk staff (we actively employ working artists to staff our front desk as a way of offering supportive income to their artistic professions).

· Independent contractor agreement - remuneration will be a percentage of total billings, designed to increase your split with annual agreement renewals. The initial split will be negotiated depending on experience and existing client base.

· Excellent work-life balance - we are open Mon 10:00am-6:00pm, Tues-Thurs 9:00am-6:00pm, Fri 9:00am-4:00pm.

· Beautifully designed clinic with a focus on creating a serene and healing space in the middle of a hectic world.

We are currently looking for:

· Chiropractor

· Massage Therapist

· Manual Osteopathic Therapist

· Acupuncturist

· Psychologist / Professional Counsellor

Submit your resume to: